subnet batch 3
September 19, 2010
Lazy sunday? Fear not! The new UPDATE from the submachine network is here! (third batch, second update).
historia pewnego wózka
August 12, 2010
Doktor wrócił po dwóch godzinach jak już przyszły wyniki badania krwi. W sumie już byliśmy gotowi do opuszczenia placówki, nasiedziawszy się w poczekalni ostrego dyżuru, ale on miał inne plany:
– Ja panią wyślę jeszcze na dodatkową konsultację na oddział chorób płuc. Za chwilę przyślę tu pielęgniarza żeby panią zawiózł bo to w innym budynku i pani tam nie dojdzie w tym stanie.
No to czekamy dalej. Tym razem na pielęgniarza. Jak się tak czeka to mimochodem obserwuje się otoczenie. O tam, pochlipująca rodzina tego co go przywieźli godzinę temu z wypadku. Tu bliżej ta co sceny ponoć robi, ale nikt jeszcze nie widział tej sceny i w sumie to czekanie na scenę skracało czekanie na wyniki. Tam babcia na wózku, ewidentny artretyzm, nadwaga, taka kaczuszka okrągło zwalista. A tutaj ten opalony cwaniaczek co jest znajomym ochroniarza stąd i jak tak siedzą i gadają to jest wyżej w hierarchii od nas.
Czekamy i czekamy na tego pielęgniarza, myślę sobie… Nie, nie mogę powiedzieć co myślę bo to spoiler całości jest a tu trzeba zaczekać do końca opowieści. Więc czekamy.
O, przyszedł, i to z jakąś lekarką ale niższego szczebla, ma inny kolor ubranka niż nasz doktor nadgorliwy. I pielęgniarz idzie prosto do tej babci na wózku. A lekarka:
– Nie, to ta młoda pani o tutaj – wskazuje na nas. Ania podnosi rękę jak w szkole że tak, to ona na te płuca.
– Ta młoda? To sama dojdzie – ocenia pielęgniarz.
– nie dojdzie, bo ciąża, bo osłabiona, bo płuca – ripostuje na nasze szczęście lekarka.
– Ale ja nie mam wózka!
I tutaj moi drodzy dochodzimy do sedna abstrakcji.
Chwila konsternacji, pielęgniarz myśli…
Idzie w stronę babci…
I zaczyna ją z tego wózka wysadzać.
Tu dodam że dokładnie o tym pomyślałem pięć minut wcześniej, że nie ma pielęgniarza bo wózka szuka i zaraz babcię wysadzi. Babcia chętna do współpracy w sumie, rozumie problem, że tylko jeden wózek i tak dalej. Ale sama mimo prób nie daje rady wstać. Mnie wryło w ziemię całkowicie, tym bardziej że pomaganie tej babci w zsiadaniu z wózka za bardzo pachniało niedźwiedzią przysługą. No to pielęgniarz jej pomaga. Potem zawołał kolegę i w końcu we dwóch ją przesadzili na poczekalniane krzesełko. We dwóch.
– Zapraszam panią – rzucił pielęgniarz w stronę Ani z nutką wyrzutu chyba. Nie wiem, nie jestem dobry w rozpoznawaniu nutek.
Jak wyjeżdżaliśmy z poczekalni na te płuca to oboje woleliśmy nie patrzeć w twarze naszych współczekających. Pomyślałem że jakbym tę sytuację wpisał do Blakiego, to zbyt wysoki poziom absurdu zniszczyłby realizm tego komiksu.
Nie wiem co musiałaby wykręcić ta od robienia scen żeby ci ludzie w miarę szybko zapomnieli o naszej akcji degradacji babci z wózka.
ps – na obrazku przedstawiono prosty schemat ustawienia wózkowego wzgęldem ściany tak by walenie łbem było najbardziej ergonomiczne.
Submachine: 32 chambers
August 2, 2010
reviews: PCWorld
As I remember, there was a note found in Submachine 4 mentioning 32 chambers filled with sand. Well, here they are in another short off-main-storyline installment of the Submachine series.
Submachine: 32 chambers walkthrough
When you star at the right of the “submachine” there a green jade pick it up. Then go left.
Click on the brown box pick up “autumn plate”
Click on the brick wall with the drawing and go in the hole. (pick up the green jade) then go down and right.
In the big room go left and pick up the lever and the green jade.
Go up and pick up the winter plate (on the wall with all the symbols)
Then go right twice (the screen with the big haed. Put the lever into the wall on your right. Pull the lever up. Then go left twice and go down in the hole created by the lever.
Pick up the wooden stick. And go right. On top of the wall there is a wooden bowl pick it up. and go right. It’s written “Air wind and fire dig through sand” So go right and place all the cement box to air wind and fire (in that order) On the Wind one there is a jade on the sand. Pick it up. And on the Fire one click on the wooden box and pick up a round stone. Go left three times and go down once.
Pick un the jade and put the stick into the left wall (the round thing) Pick up the topaz and go down then right. (pick the Jade) and go right twice. You should be in front of a round “face” with a hole in the middle, Put the wooden bowl on the floor in front of the hole and click on the wall sand should come out of the mouth and fill up the bowl.
Pick up the bowl full of sand and go left once. Pour the sand into the goblet of the statue then go left (you should lose the bowl after that. Climb the rope at the top and a bit left you should be able to click to pick up the spring plate, after that go right. In the floor at the right of the wooden prison door there’s Topaz number 2 pick it up. Open the prison’s door (click and drag up) then go right.
On the wall there are two round clickable cement block. Click on the right one until the open spot is in the left and down quadrant (quadrant 3 on a diagram) After that click on the left one until the open spot is on the bottom. Go inside the “prison’s” door and pick up the “stone cone” then go down the ladder. Pick up the weight stone. Then go back up.
Go all the way back where you picked up the wooden bowl there’s a stick on the wall that you can push but it always go back up. Put the weight stone on it and go back where you came from. (now you can go all the way down)
Go down and left pick up the round stone. Go right pick up Jade 7.
Go left twice and click three time on the clickable cement block, go up and push down the white sqare. Go back down and click once on the clickable cement block go all the way back to the big face at the start of the game and put the 2 rounds stones in the eyes. (pick up Topaz three)
Go all the way back at the end and now the door with the three spikes should be open enter it and go left click on the wooden box (pick up topaz 4) There’s a wheel, put the stone cone in it and go right twice. on the wall there’s the plate 4. And completely on the right you can click on the wall to pick up jade 8. Go left climb the stairs. But the 8 Jadeites, the 4 plates in the wheel and turn very slowly each part of the wheel (starting by the plates, then the Jade then the topaz until it click) After that put the four topaz in and turn the middle of the wheel so it is straight.
written by Dave
Submachine 32 chambers: PCWorld review
August 1, 2010
Casual game Submachine: 32 Chambers takes you on a journey within stone walls, past ancient ruins, and through drifts of sand. With nothing but your wits and a few clickable objects, you navigate the chambers and solve puzzles to win this browser-based game. Its hand-drawn look and absorbing gameplay absorbed me so thoroughly, finishing the game made me blink as if leaving a cave.
Submachine: 32 Chambers begins in a stone-brick room with a Mesoamerican-looking glyph and a futuristic machine. If you’ve played any of the other Submachine games, you’ll recognize the apparatus as the teleporter that brought you there. Even if 32 Chambers is your first introduction to the Submachine games, you’ll immediately learn how it works: You mouse over objects and chamber edges, looking for items to pick up and directions to go. A veteran of these games would have little trouble finding out where to click to collect items, move switches, and travel from room to room. My strategy was to mouse over every pixel looking for clues (and to get a little disconcerted when I ran across the statue of Ixtab, the Mayan goddess of suicide).
Luckily, the creepy statue was window dressing and not a clue about my progress. Despite the spikes that shoot out of the walls at the boundaries, there’s no way to lose at Submachine: 32 Chambers. You can leave the game and resume at auto-save points. The ThumpMonks’ eerie music adds to the mood, but sounds aren’t crucial for gameplay, so you can also play it muted to avoid disturbing your neighbors. If you decide to become more of a tourist than an explorer, you can avail yourself of the walkthrough link handily placed in the game itself.
The tenth installment in Submachine series, 32 Chambers has its own history. Despite the Mesoamerican look, 32 Chambers is not part of our work, but of Mateusz Skutnik’s vast “subnet” (submachine network) world. Polish architect-turned-graphic novelist Skutnik has been producing Submachine games since 2005, building up quite a following.
If you need a break–or a series of breaks–to challenge your mind, Submachine: 32 Chambers might be just the right little trip to plug into your day’s itinerary.
author: Laura Blackwell
Submachine 32 chambers: Czech solution
written by Oqapo
Rozbijte teleport pomocí odkliknutí souřadnice. Seberte zelený kámen za teleportem. Běžte doleva. Rozsypte písek z “box glyph” a seberte desku v něm. Klikněte na “air glyph” a vlezte do šachty která se otevřela. V šachtě seberte druhý zelený kámen a projděte šachtou dolů.
Běžte doleva seberte “lever handle” a na kraji třetí zelený kámen. Běžte podle malby nahorů a seberte druhou desku. Potom běžte dolů a 2x doleva a “lever handle” strčte do díry a zmáčkněte na něj. Běžte zpět k malbě a jděte dolů, seberte opřenou tyč a běžte doprava.
Seberte nad dírou, na stojanu mísu. Běžte 2x doprava a tam naklikejte symbol s popiskem “air” o jedno doprava “wind” a seberte čtvrtý zelený kámen, a zase o jedno naklikejte “fire” a rozsypte “box glyph” a seberte z něj kamenou kouli. Běžte doleva 3x a dolů. Vložte tyč do díry a seberte první topas, seberte pátý zelený kámen a běžte dolů.
Běžte 3x doprava a pod kruh s oblyčejem dejte misku, a pootočte kruh. Seberte misku a běžte doleva. Dejte soše do poháru misku s pískem. Běžte doleva seberte šestý zelený kámen, a po laně šplhejte nahorů. Nad částí provazu který je vodorovně je třetí deska, seberte jí a běžte doprava.
Před bránou pod podlahou seberte druhý topas. Pomocí kliknutí a táhnutí otevřete bránu a běžte doprava. 3x pootočte s kolem které vypadá jako tři čtvrtiny a vstupte za bránu. Seberte jehlan a běžte zpátky ke kolům. Teď 3x pootočte kolo které vypadá jako polovina a běžte znova za bránu. Běžte doprava, dolů a seberte krychli a teď běžte k tyči ve zdi, která je u symbolů jinak známích “obrázků”. Tak do toho otvoru s tou tyčí dejte krychli pro zatížení. Bežte zpátky za bránu, a teď zjistíte že už tam písek neni.
3x otočte kolem, běžte zpátky a stáhněte páku, běžte zpět ke kolu a 1x ho otočte. Běžte doleva seberte kouli a běžte k velké hlavě (socha), dejte jí do očních důlků koule, a ona otevře tlamu a v ní třetí topas. Běžte zpět na bránu. Tam běžte 2x doprava a seberte sedmý zelený kámen na čele sochy. Běžte doleva a projděte otvorem. Běžte doprava klikněte na “tooth glyph” a seberte poslední zelený kámen a poslední desku. Běžte 2x doleva, dejte jehlan na placku a rozsypte písek “box glyph”. Seberte poslední topas, běžte doprava a po schodech nahorů. Tam dejte do toho velkého kruhu všechny zelené kameny, topasy a desky, a otočte zmáčknutím a táhnutím kruhem. Potom vás to teleportuje, a konec!
tvtropes look at the submachines
“All memories are lost in time, like tears in rain.”
Submachine is the title of a series of Flash games created by Polish game designer Mateusz Skutnik.
All of the games are point-and-click style puzzles and (excepting the two AU games) follow a continuous storyline. The general object of each game is to escape from an enclosed (and usually submerged) location that houses a mysterious machine. As the story progresses, the player finds more and more about the history of the “submachines” through clues left behind by a mysterious figure named Murtaugh. One of the well-known characteristics of the game is a complete and total lack of any other living being, even animals. This often leads to the games being filed under Nightmare Fuel, thoughYour Mileage May Vary.
The puzzles within the game rely on acute observation, a willingness to hunt for objects hidden in the exact opposite of plain sight, and other such tasks. However, the puzzles are very cleverly made, and on completion one usually feels some degree of self-satisfaction.
Some of the tropes found within these games are:
- After The End – This is debatable, as the games haven’t revealed what happened to everybody else. Given some of the desperate-sounding letters in the more remote locations you visit, it wasn’t pleasant.
- Art Evolution
- Author Stand In – Mur, the mysterious figure that leaves you clues and interacts with you during the fourth game talks about having a pet black cat named Einstein-Mateusz has two black cats. Coincidence? …Quite possibly, yes (especially after The Edge).
- Beautiful Void – unless you find the structural decay, haunting minimalist music and utter lack of population unnerving (see Nightmare Fuel below).
- Big Brother Is Watching-There’s always a feeling that you are being watched by some unknown entity, especially after game #3.
- Bragging Rights Reward – Collect all twenty “secrets” in Sub 2 and you get… nothing. (Collecting the secrets in games 4 and 5, however, let you view extras.)
- Broken Pedestal – In Submachine 6: The Edge (huge spoilers), Mur abandons you in the Submachine after you disable its defences; you had no importance outside of enabling his invasion plan.
- Some of the notes left in Submachine 4: The Lab already hinted at this.
- In the SubNet Exploration Experience, if you visit the Loop from the third game (coordinates 555), you’ll find a “Submachine As Perpetual Maze theory” which ends with a short plea for help in escaping from the area, and you find it is written by the same character as in the above example.
- Submachine 6 also sees players engage with the computer elements of the machine.
- The SubNet Exploration Project is devoted largely to presenting many of the various fan theories as to what’s really going on.
- Claustrophobes might want to think twice as well.
- High Octane Nightmare Fuel – When you play Submachine Network Exploration Experience, type in 666 for the coordinates and see where you end up.
- The second game starts with you completing the first game on an arcade machine, and ends with you realizing your “escape” was just another game.
- The “or was it?” part comes in when you realize what your inventory is at the beginning of the second game – the diary entry, as well as the Wisdom Gem you can find in the extended version of the first.
- However, you no longer have the coin…
- In Network Exploration Experience, type in 815.
- Call Back – In Submachine 4 you visit various locations that are similar (but not identical) to areas of the previous games. In Submachine 5, you return to the lighthouse from Submachine 2, and collect the Wisdom Gem you left there.
- Cosmetic Award – In Submachine 2 collecting all the “secrets” (tiny spheres hidden around the world) yields … absolutely nothing. (In 4 and 5 they unlock a “Making of” section. 6 has five secret areas which yield extra information.)
- Early Installment Weirdness – If you had played the original Submachine without any knowledge of later episodes, you’d have probably guessed that the series would just be another set of escape-the-room series that happened to have a suitably creepy atmosphere. Then they introduced the stuff about teleportation, alternate dimensions, relics from forgotten civilizations, strange futuristic technology of an unknown source, etc., and the first game just seems sparse in comparison.
- Ghost City-You never encounter any people or animals whatsoever, and if This Troper remembers correctly, only one piece of vegetation.
- Leaning On The Fourth Wall – One of the notes you find in Submachine 4 (by someone who stumbled into the submachine network and can’t find their way out) reads suspiciously like a call for help on an escape game discussion board, complete with description of how far they’ve got and cute username.
- Master Computer – In Submachine 3, the “Loop” was a Matrix-style sort of computer in the sense that it separated people’s consciousness from reality, engaging them in puzzles to keep them from questioning their surroundings.
- Mind Screw – Becomes particularly prominent in the second installment.
- Nightmare Fuel – This walks hand-in-hand with Your Mileage May Vary, as stated above. People who have solitude issues should probably think a bit before playing this game.
- Nothing Is Scarier
- Ontological Mystery
- Or Was It A Dream – Not in the exact sense, but some well-placed comments about being part of “the loop” made for some interesting thoughts after having completed one of the games.
- Pixel Hunt – Quite often.
- Portal Network
- Red Herring – Quite a few in Submachine F L F.
- Shout Out – Submachine 2 opens woth the words “I didn’t wake up. And I do remember”, parodying the opening of “The Crimson Room”.
- The Wiki Rule – Submachine Wiki.
- Zeerust – You can tell that some of the abandoned technology is old both because of the dust and rust and also because much of it just looks dated otherwise.
Random public drawing 1
July 31, 2010
random sketch:
on a random kid’s table:
using random drawing tools:
in a random book store:
left sitting there for a random lucky finder:
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