Slice of Sea

Slice of Sea is a peaceful adventure and puzzle game. You play as Seaweed, a sea creature clearly out of their element. Explore desolate world of dust, all hand-drawn on paper in unique art style. Collect items, solve puzzles and lead Seaweed back home to the sea. Music was created by Thumpmonks and main theme song written and performed by Cat jahnke.

get it from my shop | get it on Steam | get it on | get it on GOG

Major update and overhaul 2023 | reddit | homepagetitle reveal

the mind spark that started it all… | Seaweed begins | pre-alpha timestamp

first ink sketch | atmospheric sketch | textured sketchesbackground sketches

p2019 | p2020 | p2021 | layering test | coloring test | ingame ink | bricks

 Seaweed inside | Final Atmosphere | covid-19 quarantine | wywh

biggest milestone | it’s done

main trailer | gameplay trailer  | release trailer | Let me go Home lyrics

reviews: Dasein Con Amore,, Kaftann, Jatsko,

TouTiao, Doredel, the Pixel Post, Buried Treasure, the Games Brew,

Sensu Stricte, Hey Poor Player, Polygamia, Indie Planet, PC Gamer,

Indie Game Reviewer, Indie Hive, Gaming Professors

interview: release: 29/11/2021 | GOG release init timestamp: 20/12/2024

post mortem: full devlog 2018-2021