Submachine 8 review – DBlog

Pole’s apart.

I’ve just finished playing the latest game by the graphic artist and games designer Mateusz Skutnik.  Although he sounds like an unfortunate collision between two Scrabble racks, this gifted artist from Poland produces eerie, beautiful and beguiling work in the genres of graphic art, comics and games (the last in the under-valued ‘point ‘n click’ genre).  To play these (largely free) games is to enter a world of brilliantly-realised surreal wonder.  The new game is in the Submachine series, which explores the concept of alternate dimensions and their largely doomed explorers, whose attempts to navigate through these realms, in pursuit of shadowy pioneers, are represented by cryptic and plaintive messages, revealed as the player explores each game and solves the puzzles contained therein.  In the case of Submachine, these puzzles revolve around machines that belong to many ages and technologies simultaneously, giving the experience a somewhat steampunk flavour, but my favourite series is set in Skutnik’s Daymare world, where the combination of grotesque, amusing characters and tantalising visual and logical puzzles makes for a highly addictive challenge.

Author: David Birkett